Thanks to Carole Baldock and Orbis International Poetry Journal for publishing my sonnet "Circle Esso," which is from my second book, Eternal Life. It's an homage to auto mechanics and car guys/gals everywhere. Here it is:
Circle Esso
The eye lights on a gunnysack of rags
collapsed behind a drum of motor oil
and does not flinch. Nor does the ear recoil
when in the farther bay a Triumph gags.
Old, paralytic, cross-eyed Fido wags
as if confirming men's hours of toil
consist of nothing but remaining loyal
to rundown premises. His master sags,
lewdly air-hammering an engine mount,
safety glasses strafed with blue-green light
erupting from the grease-pit as from a fount
with angelic clarity. This is the sight
that pleases, even as assistants count
parts-and-labor, worrying to get it right.